(In an earlier version, I had a picture of Antje Duvekot's album cover, "The Near Demise of the High Wire Dancer." https://www.antjeduvekot.com/index.php?page=cds&display=1007 Please visit Antje at https://www.youtube.com/user/AntjeDuvekotChannel)
Keep your balance
It's all about making your way through ordinary life and the trials thereof. And not getting too caught up in the winds that blow and the momentary light afflictions. Stay the course.
These are a few helpful areas to emphasize, so we can keep together in troubled times.
Human touch. Make peace with those in your house. Family and loved ones.
The music is good. Music to listen to, and music as music practice and lessons and preparing for performing and then performing. Even for people in your house and on the street where you live. Some people make online concerts, which can be as low key as you like.
Exercise. My grandkids are into weightlifting and the like, but when the gyms closed, they stopped. But that's just a hindrance, not a closed door. I'm as low-key a fellow as you're likely to find, but even I have a treadmill that will work when I turn it on.
Is this all? Nope, not by a long shot. Is it complete advice? Nah. Is it something? Well, yeah. And, gotta say, it's what I've been landing on, to emphasize, to keep my own balance. I didn't even mention the regular strategies.
A problem with giving and taking advice about how to get through life is that people have their own issues, circumstances, and so forth. For instance, someone has trouble seeing. So you say, my glasses helped me, here try them on. What? They didn't help?