Thursday, June 24, 2021
JORDAN PETERSON | The relationship between Disgust & Sex
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Covid Questions
In 2020, epidemiological reports falsely listed covid as the cause of death of large numbers of elderly patients. False numbers may or may not be the case, but news and medical agencies did not investigate. If any group did investigate, the reports were not made known. There was ample political and financial motivation to falsify the numbers. No one seems to be investigating these apparent misreports.
The PCR Covid test reportedly has a high false-positive rate. The values would be on the insert sheet for the test. Typically, patients do not receive the insert sheet to know the rates of true positives and false positives and true negatives and false negatives. The point is that false positives make the infection rates appear worse than they are.
Because the public believes reports of false-positive rates, decision-makers cannot tell when the public has reached herd immunity. Although Covid should act like any other virus, the US rates seem too high for our population.
There is an uncommon push not to allow advocacy of early treatment, e.g., anti-viral-replicating drugs. The data seems reasonably supportive of early treatment when started early.
These facts and observations raise suspicions of political intrusion into medicine, lowering the credibility of medical opinion.
Monday, February 8, 2021
Music of The Spheres of Someone's Life
There are a few music-makers whose music hovers close toward me and mine. Usually, I have two immediate responses: two steps forward, "YES!" and a muted one step out of the queue, "But what about that?" Haha, I was just looking at the lineup to the 2019 music fest at Nowhere Else, the ranch of Linford Detweiler and Karin Bergquist, collectively known as Over the Rhine.
Here's that poster. *
*not 2021, mind you.
Over the Rhine, or Linford and Karin, have a festival coming up this year. Three days of peace and understanding, I think that's what I heard. Maybe that was some other festival, I don't know. But knowing the good folk at Nowhere Else, we can trust that the three days are likely to be the odds-on favorite bet for a good time in 2021.
While I'm saying nice things about music and musicians, let me share with you my admiration for Susie Glaze, who, with her husband Steve Rankin and long-time musical friends Fred Sanders and Mark Indictor, play good music and aim for the high ground, shall we say. I just love these folks. This recent performance was brought to my attention, and I'd like to bring it to yours.
FYI, you can find both Over The Rhine's festival and Susie Glaze by following these links, and you'll also find a hearty helping of each over at YouTube. (This is for the 2021 festival.)